October marks the time of the return to the École biblique for students… and for the Bible In Its Traditions team. The group of researchers in residence in Jerusalem, coordinated by Brother Olivier-Thomas Venard OP, is actively carrying out several projects for this academic year 2019-2020.

University ferment in the Jerusalem offices

Three young students of the École Normale have begun the year by editing notes detailing thousands of works (literary, pictorial, musical, philosophical, etc.) inspired by the Bible, before correcting and harmonizing the biblical translations themselves, a meticulous and long-term work. An American assistant is editing Jonah and James, in preparation for their publication by Peeters editions.

Christiane Veyrard-Cosme, professor at the Sorbonne-Nouvelle University, finished the edition of the international conference organized by BEST and several prestigious universities in 2016. It will be published by the Institut d’Études Augustiniennes. With its support, the BEST is working to establish relations with the Agence Nationale de la Recherche.

Other publications in preparation

The first of three or four volumes of the commentary on the Passion selon Matthieu, focusing on Matthiew 26, was delivered to the publisher at the end of the summer. Dr. Bieke Mahieu is currently working on the scientific edition of Chapter 27, while Br. Olivier-Thomas and two are assistants completing the annotation of Chapter 28. Also coming up are the Commencement volume proofs, a total reworking of the 2010 “Demonstration Volume”, which should be released at the end of 2019 or early 2020.

Also on the agenda: with Br. Lukasz Popko OP, the editorial committee will examine the epistle of James prepared (in English) by Prof. Martin Albl. Then Prof. Michel Gourgues will visit toi revise the commentary on the pastoral epistles.

The general public is not forgotten in Paris

Seven members of the École biblique and BEST contributed to a special issue of Le Figaro dedicated to Jésus. The presentation of the book will take place on December 3rd in Paris, Salle Gaveau.

Season 4 has begun for the 120,000 subscribers to PRIXM, the weekly newsletter. For them and for the widest possible audience, BEST is confident that the first version of a completely illustrated Bible will soon be available on the Internet.

Nicolas and Valentine, from the Paris branch, are developing new proposals in parallel with some monasteries. This project will be an invitation to be closer to the biblical text.

Continued digital development

Br. Kevin Stephens (USA), Gad Barnéa (Israel), Pierre Hennequart (Paris) and the company Spyrit (Versailles) meet by video-conference every week for a working session with Br. Olivier-Thomas Venard. It is the constant and patient work of these digital developers that makes possible the construction of the biblical cathedral that is The Bible in its Traditions.

Stay tuned !