This Monday, the Director of the École Biblique, Jean Jacques Pérennès, met with the members of the board of the Canadian Friends Association of the École Biblique in Toronto (Canada). Composed of former students and/or researchers, this Association, created in the 1990s, supports two particular areas of the École’s life: the library and scholarships for Canadian student-researchers (see Dona Harvey’s article in Nouvelles de Jérusalem, No. 98, Autumn 2019). The EBAF Director’s visit to Canada provided fresh and more lively news of the École’s current life and also provided an opportunity to take stock of the development of our collaborations. According to Jean Jacques Pérennès, the affability of the exchange demonstrated to what extend these donors are first and foremost friends. A supplementary meeting was held Friday morning in Montreal for the members of the Association living in Quebec.