The library of the School puts online every Saturday the list of books included in the catalog during the week, an average of about twenty titles. For the past two months, the librarian has had the good idea of pointing out a “nugget” or “luxury novelty”, that is to say a work that particularly deserves our attention. Here is a list of the books that have been singled out in the last few weeks.

– Walter MOBERLY, The God of the Old Testament: encountering the divine in Christian Scripture, Grand Rapids (Mich.), Baker Academic, 2020, 282 p.

– תלמוד ירושלמי = Talmud Yerushalmi [Texte imprimé] : שבספריית האוניברסיטה של ליידן עם השלמות ותיקונים (Or. 4720) 3 יוצא לאור על פי כתב יד סקלינגר : = according to Ms. Or. 4720 (Scal. 3) of the Leiden University Library with restorations and corrections / מבוא מאת יעקב זוסמן = introduction by Yaacov Sussmann. — הדפסה שלישית עם קונטרס תיקונים מורחב = third printing with expanded corrigenda supplement, ירושלים = Jerusalem : האקדמיה ללשון העברית = Academy of the Hebrew Language, 2016, 1466 p.

– Étienne NODET & Avital WOHLMAN, Le procès invisible de Socrate, Rome, 2020, 123 p. 

– Jonathan CORNILLON, Tout en commun ? La vie économique de Jésus et des premières générations chrétiennes de Jérusalem, Paris, Cerf, 2020, 773 p.

– Fabian PFITZMANN intitulée : Un YHWH venant du Sud? De la réception vétérotestamentaire des traditions méridionales et du lien entre Madian, le Néguev et l’exode (Ex-Nb ; Jg 5 ; Ps 68 ; Ha 3 ; Dt 33), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2020, 498 p.

–  Des Polythéismes aux monothéismes.  Mélanges d’assyriologie offerts à Marcel Sigrist , Uri Gabbay & Jean Jacques Pérennès (ed.), Peeters, 543 p.

– Achim LICHTENBERGER et Rubina RAJA, Byzantine and Umayyad Jerash Reconsidered. Transitions, Transformations, Continuities, Turnhout, Brepols, 2019, 291 p.