The 2021-2022 programme of Saturday outings ended last weekend with a visit to Nablus and Sebastia. These outings, organised twice a month by Friar Dominique-Marie Cabaret, op, are very much appreciated by the members of the French-speaking community of the region, and are all the more popular when they allow them to discover places outside the classic tourist routes such as Nablus or Hebron.

On Saturday, June 11, about fifty people took part in the outing in Samaria, which led them from Jacob’s Well to the archaeological site of Sebastia, passing through the old city and the mosques of Nablus and Sebastia.

In front of the church housing Jacob’s Well, near Nablus.

On the way back, the group stopped in Taybeh to visit the ruins of a Byzantine church, still in use, before stopping at the famous Taybeh brewery shop. The participants were able to support the Christian village’s business by filling up on drinks and olive oil. A nice way to end this year’s visits.

View from the archaeological site of Sebastia.