The year 2023 is starting, and with it the programme for January:
ÉBAF Thursdays Conferences :
– Thursday 12 January: “Talk like an Egyptian. Egyptian influences on LXX-Genesis”.
By Camilla Recalcati, PhD scholarship holder of the École Biblique.
– Thursday 26 January: “A science complex in Qumran”
By Friar Augustin Tavardo, o.c.s.o.
Conférence Les Pépites from the Bible In Its Traditions :
– Wednesday 18 January: ” Behold, the Virgin should conceive…”
By Friar Jorge Vargas-Corvacho, o.p.
Saturday outing :
Saturday 21 January: the Tomb of the Kings & the Eleona (open to the general public, residents & visitors to the Holy Land).
Information & Registration :