The School is supported by three associations of Friends :
– Les Amis de l’École biblique et archéologique française, the French association

The association of friends and alumni of the EBAF is a general interest association, registered at the Paris Prefecture and at INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies).
Its objective is to keep alive a link between the School and the network of its many friends and alumni.
To support its action, you can become a member of the Association by sending the Membership Form 2023 to the secretary of the Association :
Bruno de Trémiolles (20 rue des Tanneries 75013 PARIS,
The Association is authorized to issue tax receipts allowing you to benefit from the reductions in income tax for individuals (IR) or corporate tax for companies (IS).
Since 2021, the Association is chaired by Mr. Alain Rémy. A newsletter, News from Jerusalem, is sent three times a year to the members of the Association, and two conferences a year on biblical or archaeological subjects are offered to them in Paris.(To download the membership form: Membership Form 2023)
Lectures reports
-Le masque grimaçant de la citadelle d’Amman – Frère Jean-Baptiste Humber, o.p., 8 October 2022
–Lire la Bible en temps de crise écologique, état des lieux – Béatrice Oiry, 14 May 2022
– Jérusalem à Lalibela (Ethiopie). Circulations, inspirations et imitation (XIIe-XIIIe siècle) — Marie-Laure Derat, 22 November 2021
– La relation entre Juifs et Romains et son reflet dans les textes rabbiniques — Katell Berthelot, 24 April 2021
– L’urbanisme antique de Jérusalem du Ier siècle avant J.C. au IIè siècle après J.C. — Dominique-Marie Cabaret, o.p., 30 November 2019
– Naissance du Pentateuque : anciennes et nouvelles hypothèses — Thomas Römer, 22 June 2019
– Le chêne de Mambré : relecture archéologique d’un site majeur de Palestine — Vincent Michel, 17 November 2018
– Le Christianisme syriaque en Inde — Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet, 7 April 2018
To see all the reports of the Association’s lectures: Lectures of the Association
– The Friends of EBAF, the American association
For more information, contact
– L’association des Amis Canadiens de l’École Biblique (CFEB), the Canadian association
Each year, this association offers a financial support of a variable amount to Canadian students, researchers and professors wishing to stay at the School.
Send the application to :
– Solidarité-Orient, the Belgian association
The Belgian Association Solidarité-Orient also provides assistance to the École Biblique.
Solidarité-Orienta.s.b.l. is a Catholic organisation whose aim is to provide all forms of aid to the Christian communities of the Near and Middle East who, for several centuries, have been living in the heart of Islam and contributing to the social, cultural and religious development of Arab and Eastern civilisations.
For more information, write to Mr. Christian Cannuyer :
The School is proud to participate in numerous partnerships with major institutions, both in Jerusalem and in France :
– Studium biblicum franciscanum (
– Consulate General of France (https://jerusalem.

– UMR Orient-Méditerranée (https://www.orient-